About Us
Established in 2004, NewPole Livestock Limited is run by Phil White and Jools Turner.
Originally started with Phil’s late father, Reg, who wanted a ‘hobby’ in his retirement, it quickly became far more and is now a thriving pedigree breeding business, specialising in producing top quality British/Belgian Blue cattle and Suffolk Punch horses. It’s also the home of GamePoint Weimaraners, est 1979.

NewPole British and Belgian Blues
Our British/Belgian Blue bulls are well established on most of the major AI companies bull rosters, from our first two flag bearers, NewPole Chalky White for Semex and NewPole Easy for Genus ABS, both bulls having very long breeding careers both in the UK and worldwide.

NewPole Suffolk Punches
We also breed the critically endangered Suffolk Punch and have produced five foals to date, including the licensed Suffolk Horse Society stallion, NewPole Maurice and the filly, Twemlows Petronella, in partnership with the Matson family of Twemlows and StallionAI breeding facilities.

GamePoint Weimaraners
2023 see Jools' forty fourth year of involvement with this breed, having started with her first dog in 1979. He became Ch Czolkins Platinum Cirrus, the youngest ever Weimaraner of the year in 1980, a full Champion by virtue of wins in Field Trials as well as his Show Championship.

To keep up-to-date with our news, please like our Facebook business page, NewPole Livestock Limited @newpolelivestock/